“We were afraid to apply for the competition of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation. But out of fear this, we tried so hard that our application won the first place”, says the head of the NGO “Union of Volunteers” Olena Zhivko with joy.
This public organization won the competition program “Varto+GO” from the Ukrainian Veterans Fund of the Ministry of Veterans and implements the project “Adaptation of veterans to civilian life” in nine communities of the Lviv region.
For the children of the fallen defenders, art therapy classes are held, away legal consultations are held, sibling meetings and seminars are held, etc.
“The request for such events is great. Both large and small communities participate in the project. We work with the children of fallen soldiers from such communities, where even the bus does not go. To say that the children are delighted is an understatement. For us, it is a moral satisfaction to work in such a context. Children open up during communication, and I think we make them a little happier,” says Olena Zhivko.
Currently, the project works in nine communities of Lviv region: Rudkivska, Novokalynivska, Novoyavorivska, Horodotska, Zhovkivska, Stryiska, Drohobytska, Medenytska, Zolochivska.
The plans include establishing system work for legal support of veterans after demobilization, job search and opening of one’s own business, conducting trainings, cultural events, etc.

“During the implementation of this project, we realized that it is necessary to work with community leaders. Therefore, we conduct trainings on how civilians can correctly and sensitively communicate with veterans returning to peaceful life. Because it’s important: that proper communication between civilians and military is established in small communities,” emphasizes Ms. Olena.
She emphasizes that the implementation of such a project in small communities is “already a small victory.” By the way, only after the NGO began to implement the project, in many communities thematic groups were created in messengers (for example, for the families of soldiers and victims), where relevant and necessary information is exchanged.
The legal direction of the project is no less important.
“We are already working on it. This includes the preparation of documents, the establishment of statuses, and lawsuits regarding, for example, establishing the fact of cohabitation. And we have quite active feedback from the work already done. And we clearly understand that the project will end, but the work will not end,” emphasizes Ms. Olena.
The head of the NGO admits that she had long heard about the possibility of financing from the Ukrainian Veterans Foundatiom. But there were doubts whether it was worth applying.
“Because of the war and hostilities, there was a severe lack of funding for the implementation of social projects and we did try, although we were afraid.But out of fear this, we tried so hard that our application won the first place. And then we realized that there was nothing wrong. We now have specialists working with us, and reporting to the institution is very motivating,” Olena Zhivko summed up.
We root for each of our projects, for each applicant, for the high-quality implementation of ideas and effective use of funds. Because all this is for those who empower Ukraine.