
Public presentation of the projects of the VARTO:EDNANNIA competition program

The public presentation of the projects of the VARTO:EDNANNIA competition program will take place on December the 13th, at 10 AM.

Please follow the link to watch the presentation: https://www.youtube.com/live/xKEBYfWXEIQ?si=oKK0K4C2xueKk_TB

List of project presentation sequence:

№ № of project applicationName of the applicantProject name
11115Public organization “GUARD-MILITARY SOCIETY “REDUIT”The Future is Ours
21116Public organization “MOVEMENT OF COMMUNITIES OF WAR VETERANS AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES “SPACE OF LOVE”Social and psychological support, reintegration of veterans and their families “Touch of Joy”
31118Public Union “All-Ukrainian Military and Civilian Association “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD OF UKRAINE”A Father’s Heart
41121Public organization “Mezhylissia”Space for active recreation “Mezhylissia”
51122Public organization “Kharkiv Regional Public Organization “Wives of ATO Veterans”Psychological assistance to veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war and their families
61129Public organization “Wishing to help”Barrier-free access to justice for veterans
71131NGO “Volunteer Center of Zaporizhzhia”Social and psychological support for defenders of Ukraine and their families
81134Public Organization “BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF UKRAINE’S DEFENDERS CIRCLE OF ARES”Place of Power of the Defenders of Ukraine “Together to Victory!”
101139NGO “ASSOCIATION OF YOUTH LEADERS OF UKRAINE”Vysochanska HAB “POVERNENNYA” – a way to reintegrate veterans and their families
111143Public organization “Haytarma Crimea”Haytarma Crimea: support for Crimean Tatar veterans, Muslim defenders and their families
121144NGO “Youth Organization “Youth is the Future of Ukraine”Warriors are the strength of the winners!
131145Public organization “PRO Women UA”Mentoring and consulting for veteran family businesses from start-up to development
141146NGO “Center for Effective Strategies”Coworking space NASHI
151148Public organization “Successful Lviv region”Strong Home: Support and adaptation of Veterans
161150Public organization “Myrhorod City Station of Young Tourists”Active tourism in the social rehabilitation program for veterans and family members
171156NGO “CENTER FOR SUPPORT AND PROTECTION OF VETERANS, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS”Program of support and development of entrepreneurship for veterans and their families “Dreams Without Borders”
181158NGO “WOMEN’S VETERAN MOVEMENT”The Plan B Center of Strength is a space for returning to active social life, reintegration, support and recovery from the Women’s Veterans Movement.
191159NGO “ECO-GROUP “RAZOM”Veteran’s Hab
201163Public organization “Power of the community”Strengthening service delivery capacity in Kolomyia community as part of post-war recovery
211165Public organization “LUTSK CITY ORGANIZATION OF THE UNION OF ATO WARRIORS OF VOLHYNIA”Veterans’ space “The Way Home”
221170NGO “LETYCHIV UNION OF ATO VETERANS “DEFENDER”Development and support of the Veterans’ Space “We are close” in the Letychiv territorial community
231172NGO “OPEN SPACE FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT”Reintegration of veterans and their families in Ladyzhynska AH
241176NGO “DEFENCE – UNION OF VOLUNTEERS”Support for the veteran space of the NGO “Zakhyst – OV”
251177NGO “REHABILITATION CENTER FOR WAR VETERANS “4.5.0. PRYKARPATTIA””Internal engineering networks in the building of the rehabilitation center for military and war veterans “4.5.0 Prykarpattia”
261178NGO “UNION OF ATO VETERANS “YANIV”Roztochia Veterans Hub: support for veterans of Yavoriv district, their families, and families of fallen defenders of Ukraine.
271181Public organization “PUBLIC RATING”Veterans’ space
281182Public organization “Center for Employment of Free People”Reintegration of veterans with disabilities who have musculoskeletal injuries through training in driving a vehicle converted to manual operation and a training and counseling program to promote their employment and social inclusion in the community
291185Public organization


Sports and recreation center for rehabilitation of war veterans and disabled veterans and their families Veteran space “Sercevir”
301186Public organization


Training workshops for war veterans and their families “The Power of Support”!

Банківські реквізити:

Український ветеранський фонд
ЄДРПОУ 44565396
МФО 820172
в Державна казначейська служба України м. Київ

Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/ company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA863052990000025300015000517
Назва банку/ Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/ Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/ Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 001-1-000080
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASUS33
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 890-0085-754
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank IRVT US 3N
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA453052990000025302035000647
Назва банку/Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/ Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/ Account in the correspondent bank 400886700401
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 6231605145
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASDEFX
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY