
The Foundation describes the procedure for selecting projects in competitive programs

The Ukrainian Veterans Foundation describes in detail the procedure for submitting and selecting projects for participation in its competitive programs. Applicants must follow the established guidelines and requirements, including filling out the application form and submitting the required documents.

Steps for applicants

Applicants wishing to participate in the Foundation’s competition must fill out the application form and attach all the necessary documents listed in the instructions.

After submitting the application package, the applicant will receive an automatically generated letter with the application number to their email. Applications are technically selected within five business days, during which the completeness and compliance of the submitted documents with the established requirements are checked.

If the application package is found to be incomplete, the documents are not properly filled out, false information is provided, or if the application is submitted after the deadline, the applicant will be notified by the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation by email. The applicant has the right to submit corrected documents within five business days after receiving the notification.

Application packages that have successfully passed the technical selection will be submitted for review and expert evaluation in accordance with the evaluation methodology. Experts will provide recommendations to applicants on project support, implementation mechanisms, terms and amounts of funding.

Experts and evaluation

Expert councils of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation are formed for each competitive selection of projects. They consist of experts recommended for inclusion in the councils on the basis of selection that meets the requirements and criteria set forth in the relevant regulations and orders. The quantitative and personal composition of the Expert Councils is approved by the Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation.

The experts of the Expert Councils evaluate the submitted application packages in accordance with the requirements of the Methodology for the Expert Evaluation of Projects and the Guidelines for Applicants. They provide recommendations to applicants on project support, implementation mechanisms, terms and amounts of funding.

Applicants must take into account the recommendations of the experts and the financial department of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation and submit corrected documents within three business days. An open presentation of the projects is also planned via the Internet.

Based on the Expert Council’s assessment, a list of winning projects will be formed. The results of the competitive selection will be published on the Foundation’s official website.

Questions and clarifications regarding the submission of the application package can be sent to uvfprojects@veteranfund.mva.gov.ua with the subject line and application number.


The Ukrainian Veterans Foundation informs that the Foundation’s employees do not provide individual consultations to applicants, as well as do not provide legal and accounting advice.

Ветеранський фонд

Банківські реквізити:

Український ветеранський фонд
ЄДРПОУ 44565396
МФО 820172
в Державна казначейська служба України м. Київ

Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/ company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA863052990000025300015000517
Назва банку/ Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/ Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/ Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 001-1-000080
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASUS33
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 890-0085-754
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank IRVT US 3N
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA453052990000025302035000647
Назва банку/Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/ Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/ Account in the correspondent bank 400886700401
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 6231605145
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASDEFX
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY