
The competitive selection of experts to the Expert Council of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation for the “VARTO Start Your Own Business” projects has started

On March 7, 2024, a competitive selection of experts (three main and reserve) to the Expert Council of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation for the competitive selection of projects “VARTO Start Your Own Business” will begin.

How to apply and when is the deadline

We invite experienced professionals who are familiar with the specifics of building and expanding a business in Ukraine, understand the problems and needs of business today.

The deadline for submitting documents is March 18, 2024 (by 12:00 PM Kyiv time).

To apply, please follow this link (to do so, register, log in, select “Programs” on the left in the “Programs” panel – “Start Your Own Business” and select “Apply for an Expert”).

Applicants will be notified of the selection results by e-mail.

What are the responsibilities of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation experts and requirements for candidates?

Responsibilities of the experts of the Expert Council of the Foundation:

  • Conducting an expert evaluation of application packages in accordance with the Expert Evaluation Methodology (evaluation criteria – Annex 1);
  • Participation in the public presentation (defense) of projects by applicants;
  • Formation of a rating list of the winners of the competitive selection.

Requirements for a candidate for the Foundation’s experts:

  • Higher education not lower than the second (master’s) level;
  • Experience in effective project management, including at least 1 year of project budgeting experience;
  • Business experience and/or understanding of business processes;
  • Knowledge of business Ukrainian;
  • Impeccable business reputation.

Candidates for the Expert Councils are selected in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Expert Councils of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation and the Regulations on the Commission for the Selection of Experts to the Expert Councils.

Please note: the Foundation’s experts do not have the right to simultaneously be applicants for the competitive selection or participate in the implementation of projects submitted to the Foundation (for this or any other competitive selection of projects).

How to apply for the competition: key tips

To submit documents for the competition, you need:

  • to familiarize yourself with the Regulations on the Expert Councils of the budgetary institution “Ukrainian Veterans Foundation” (in particular, clause 16) and the Methodology of expert evaluation;
  • application (in accordance with Annex 1 to the Regulation on Expert Councils);
  • motivation letter (in any form);
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • a copy of the individual tax number;
  • consent to the collection and processing of personal data (in accordance with Annex 2 to the Regulation on the Expert Councils);
  • a detailed professional resume in the state language with annexes confirming the profile activity;
  • copies of the candidate’s documents confirming higher education not lower than the second (master’s) level.

All copies of the documents shall be submitted in Ukrainian and/or in the original language with a translation into Ukrainian and EXCLUSIVELY in PDF format. Documents in any other format will NOT be considered. If you need to upload more than one document in one field (for example, passport pages), it is advisable to combine them into one file.

  • Prepare and sign the documents (mandatory signature is required in the Application and Consent of the candidate to the processing of personal data). This can be done using an electronic signature.
  • Fill in the information and submit the documents for the competition for the selection of experts in this questionnaire by the specified deadline.

If you have any questions, please contact a.ivaniuk@veteranfund.mva.gov.ua.

Ветеранський фонд

Банківські реквізити:

Український ветеранський фонд
ЄДРПОУ 44565396
МФО 820172
в Державна казначейська служба України м. Київ

Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/ company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA863052990000025300015000517
Назва банку/ Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/ Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/ Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 001-1-000080
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASUS33
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 890-0085-754
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank IRVT US 3N
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA453052990000025302035000647
Назва банку/Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/ Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/ Account in the correspondent bank 400886700401
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 6231605145
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASDEFX
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY