
Report 2022

In accordance with the Regulations on the Budget Institution “Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine No. 263 dated 20.12.2021 and for the implementation of the Budget Program 1030 “Operation of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation, heroisation of the image of a war veteran and commemoration of the dead (deceased) defenders of Ukraine”, in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 256 dated 11.03.202 “On approval of the procedure for the use of funds provided for in the state budget for the operation of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Fund” (as amended) (hereinafter the Procedure), budget funds are used by the Budgetary Institution “Ukrainian Veterans Foundation” of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs (hereinafter the Foundation) for:

1) provision of financial support to veterans and members of their families for the implementation of projects (hereinafter – financial support), which are determined by the winners based on the results of the competitive selection and are aimed at:

  • reintegration of veterans and their family members into active social life, ensuring preservation and restoration of their physical and mental health;
  • support of entrepreneurial activities of veterans and assistance in their employment;

2) organization of conferences, forums, programs and other public events in accordance with the main tasks of the Foundation;

3) conducting sociological and other research, public opinion polls and focus groups, etc.;

4) development, production, placement and distribution of printed products, photo and video materials, television products, video and sound recordings, publications, informational and advertising materials related to the implementation of the Foundation’s tasks and functions;

5) ensuring the functioning of the Foundation in accordance with the approved estimate.

Since its establishment (February 2, 2022), the Foundation has been implementing activities for all the above-mentioned tasks, namely:

1) providing financial support to veterans and their family members for the implementation of projects (hereinafter – financial support), which are determined by the winners based on the results of the competitive selection and are aimed at:

  • reintegration of veterans and their family members into active social life, ensuring preservation and restoration of their physical and mental health;
  • support of entrepreneurial activities of veterans and assistance in their employment;

83,901,400 hryvnias were allocated to ensure the functioning of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation for 2022. After the sequestration of the budget and the transfer of expenses to the needs of the security and defense sector, the Foundation’s budget amounted to 67,501,200 hryvnias.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Resolution No. 590 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 9, 2021 “On approval of the Procedure for the exercise of powers by the State Treasury Service in a special regime under martial law” (amended) came into effect. This Resolution defines the mechanism for exercising the powers of the Treasury and Treasury bodies in a special regime related to the treasury service of budget funds and funds of other clients under martial law conditions in Ukraine or in some of its localities.

Codes of Economic Classification of Expenses 2610 (Project financing) was not included in the priority list of the Treasury and Treasury bodies in accordance with Resolution No. 590 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 9, 2021.

Therefore, in order to implement support programs for veterans, members of their families, and families of fallen (deceased) defenders, amendments were made to the Procedure dated March 26, 2022 regarding the use of funds by the Foundation during martial law in Ukraine or in some of its localities.

The changes made in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 366 of March 26, 2022 establish that:

15. In the event of the introduction of martial law in Ukraine or in some of its localities, budget funds are used by the Foundation for:


1) providing support to veterans and their family members, primarily to those who fulfill the constitutional duty to protect the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine as part of the Armed Forces or voluntary formations of territorial communities;

2) financing events to create conditions for the integration of veterans and their family members who were evacuated to a new place of residence in Ukraine;

3) ensuring the operation of the Foundation in accordance with the approved budget (paying employees; accruals for wages; purchase of items, materials, equipment and inventory necessary for the performance of specified tasks; payment for services (including utilities and energy); expenses related to official business trips; mandatory payments to the budget, taking into account the need to pay off the arrears for budget obligations of previous years, registered with the Treasury authorities).

{Clause 15 was supplemented by sub-clause 3 in accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 366 of 03/26/2022}

During the period of martial law, the provisions provided for in clauses 3-14 of this Order shall not be applied.

The specifics of the Foundation’s use of budget funds during the period of martial law are established by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs.

These changes made it possible to start financing measures to create conditions for the integration of veterans and their family members, in particular those who were evacuated, to a new place of residence in Ukraine (clause 15.2 of Resolution No. 256), namely:

Microfinance program

The work of individual entrepreneurs and self-employed persons is a necessary component of the work of the economic sector, which is currently going through difficult times. The veteran business can become a platform for providing jobs to those people who lost their jobs as a result of evacuation or destruction of enterprises, which is at the same time a tool to partially combat forced unemployment.

Within the framework of the program, applicants (from among veterans, their family members, as well as family members of fallen (deceased) defenders) who are internally displaced persons, carrying out business activities as individual entrepreneurs or self-employed persons, can receive compensation for restoration and management entrepreneurial activity in the amount of up to UAH 20,000. The program is designed until the end of martial law.

After working out the technological part of the process, creating a CRM system (at the expense of extra-budgetary funds) the program started working on May 12, 2022.

Expenditures under this program are carried out according to Codes of Economic Classification of Expenses 2730 “Other payments to the population” in the order of priority, as determined by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 590 dated June 9, 2021 No. 590 (With changes)

Since the beginning of the program’s operation, compensation has been provided to individuals-entrepreneurs and self-employed persons among veterans, families of veterans and family members of the deceased who had the status of internally displaced persons.

According to the data of the sixth round of the general population survey conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) from June 17 to 23, more than 5.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) returned to their homes in Ukraine, but the total number of internally displaced persons remains high – more than 6.27 million (as of June 23, 2022, 14.2% of the total population). The number of IDPs decreased by almost 900,000 people (12%) since May 23. This is the second consecutive decrease in the number of IDPs in Ukraine since February 24, 2022. Almost half of those who left their usual places of residence after February 24 have already returned. In parallel with the continued decrease in the total number of IDPs, the number of returnees increased significantly between May 23 and June 23, 2022. Analysis of returns shows that their dynamics is growing rapidly.

These data showed a significant difference in the residence status of Ukrainians in June compared to March 2022 and indicated the need to change approaches to providing support and assistance.

At the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on August 27, 2022, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine introduced changes to the Procedure, to subsection 2 of paragraph 15, namely: “funding of measures to create conditions for the integration and development of veterans and their family members, in particular, that were evacuated to a new place of residence in Ukraine” to create an opportunity to implement support for veterans and members of their families and families of fallen (deceased) defenders of Ukraine who returned to their permanent place of residence in Ukraine.

In addition, subsection 1 of paragraph 15 of the current Procedure was brought into compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection” and extended not only to servicemen serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also to those who serve in other military formations created in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

During the period of the program in 2022 (May-December), 321 applications were received and processed, UAH 2,097,724 were reimbursed (112 applications were reimbursed).

Crisis support hotline

In order to perform clause 15.1. Order of

“providing support to veterans and their family members, primarily to those who fulfill the constitutional duty to protect the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine as part of the Armed Forces or voluntary formations of territorial communities;”

The Foundation initiated the creation of a crisis support hotline.

In July 2022 – The Crisis Support Hotline was launched. The Ukrainian Veterans Foundation provides urgent assistance in crisis situations during the Russian-Ukrainian war through the hotline. Since the middle of September, the line has switched to a 24-hour mode of operation.

Veterans, families of veterans, families of fallen (deceased) defenders and all those suffering from hostilities contact the Hotline. Calls are free to a single number – 0 800 33 20 29.

Specialists provide round-the-clock crisis assistance on various issues. Most often, they apply in case of injury, death of loved ones, loss of contact with loved ones and worries about their safety, sudden loss of shelter, loss of property to the point of poverty, being in a war zone, etc.

The Crisis Support Hotline employs 12 specialists who provide crisis assistance in shifts according to the schedule planned by the project manager and the project’s chief psychologist.

As of December 31, more than 6,000 calls have been processed. (July-December)

The Ukrainian Veterans Foundation covers the cost of telecommunications.

The main expenses for the payment of specialists of the line are carried out by the IREX program on the basis of a tripartite agreement with the Foundation and the performers. The amount of funds raised in the form of property is 6,100,000 hryvnias.

The hotline interacts with the Government hotline, “Yuridychna Sotnia ” Public Organisation, “Advokaty ZSU” Public Organisation to provide maximum support to callers in cases where the call does not concern psychological assistance.

Competitive project support program

As of August 2022, in the budget of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation, UAH 23,780,000 was provided for Codes of Economic Classification of Expenses 2610 (Project financing), and in fact the Foundation could not carry out the proper main activity defined by the Order, related to the financial support of projects, because Codes of Economic Classification of Expenses 2610 (Project financing) was not included in the priority list of the Treasury and Treasury bodies in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 9, 2021 No. 590 (as amended).

As a result of the initiative negotiations, changes were made to the normative legal acts, which made it possible to start the procedures for the competitive selection of projects for financing:

Accordingly, in September 2022, the opportunity to hold competitive programs and provide support to veterans and family members of fallen (deceased) defenders of Ukraine was restored.

Additionally, the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation attracted grant funds in the amount of 120,000 US dollars to support veterans’ businesses from the Razom for Ukraine fund.

Since receiving the legal opportunity to conduct competitive programs (September 2022), the Foundation has held three competitive selections.

  1. Varto – support of veteran business 
  2. Varto+GO – support of projects of public organisations that work for veterans and their families 
  3. Varto 2.0. – support of veteran business   

Varto and Varto 2.0 Programs are focused on financing the business of veterans and family members of the deceased.

The following could apply for project financing:

  • veterans, family members of deceased (fallen) war veterans and family members of deceased (fallen) Defenders of Ukraine who are registered in accordance with the requirements of the law as individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities registered no later than two years before receiving financial support, the founders of which are veterans, family members of deceased (fallen) war veterans and family members of deceased (fallen) defenders of Ukraine.

Varto+GO Program is aimed at supporting public associations with the status of a legal entity (public organisations or public unions), whose activities are aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms, meeting the public, economic, social, cultural and other interests of veterans and their family members.

The following could apply for project financing:

  • Public associations with the status of a legal entity (public organisations or public unions), which are registered in accordance with the requirements of the law no later than two years before receiving financial support and have the status of a non-profit organisation, whose statutory activities include issues related to the protection of rights and freedoms, satisfaction of public, economic, social, cultural and other interests of veterans and their family members.

Priorities of the Varto+GO Program:

  1. Providing mentoring support and consulting to veteran entrepreneurs from start-up to development.
  2. Social support of veterans, family members of such persons and family members of deceased (fallen) war veterans, family members of deceased (fallen) Defenders of Ukraine.
  3.   Social support for children of veterans and children of deceased (fallen) war veterans, children of deceased (fallen) Defenders of Ukraine.

The minimum amount requested for the project of each of the programs was UAH 500,000.

The maximum amount requested for the project of each of the programs was UAH 1,000,000.

Number of applications and winners by program


The evaluation of projects takes place in 2 stages according to the “Procedure for competitive selection of projects, the implementation of which will be carried out with the support of the budget institution “Ukrainian Veterans Foundation”, and monitoring of their implementation”

  1. technical selection
  2. expert selection

In accordance with the tenders, three expert councils were formed, which carried out expert evaluation of applications. Requirements for experts:

  • higher education not lower than the first (bachelor) level;
  • experience in effective project management, in particular, at least three years of project budgeting experience;
  • knowledge of business Ukrainian language;
  • impeccable business reputation.

Also, understanding the construction and development of business processes was an advantage for the Varto and Varto 2.0 programs, whereas for the Varto+GO program – an understanding of the activities of public associations, project work and experience working with veterans.

Experts are elected by the end of the calendar year in accordance with the Regulation on Expert Councils of the budget institution “Ukrainian Veterans Foundation”.

Each of the candidates undergoes a thorough check for: connection with the aggressor state, presence of court decisions regarding the commission of corruption and other offences, presence of a conflict of interests when carrying out expert activities, and public reputation activities. Experts in their work are guided by the Methodology of expert evaluation. The expert evaluation report includes both the score for the project and the expert’s final comment.

In total, 61 projects were supported on a competitive basis.

This budget year (September-December) competitive programs were financed in the amount of 21,025,652.10 hryvnias.

8 television stories were filmed about the project winners, in particular as part of the information marathon, and 635 publications were published in all-Ukrainian and regional mass media, as well as 146 posts in the social networks of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation, as well as the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs and on the pages of other stakeholders.

In 2023, the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation plans to expand the number of competitive programs and make them more saturated.

2) organisation of conferences, forums, programs and other public events in accordance with the main tasks of the Foundation;

During the year, a number of press conferences, press briefings, as well as public meetings with target audiences were held.

On August 17, 2022, a press conference was held at the UKRINFORM information agency with the presentation of the results of a sociological study by the sociological group “Rating” with the participation of the First Deputy Minister of Veterans’ Affairs of Ukraine Oleksandr Porhun. The number of publications about the presentation with the research text in mass media was 116.

During the year, a number of press conferences, press briefings, as well as public meetings with target audiences were held.

On August 17, 2022, a press conference was held at the UKRINFORM information agency with the presentation of the results of a sociological study by the sociological group “Rating” with the participation of the First Deputy Minister of Veterans’ Affairs of Ukraine Oleksandr Porhun. The number of publications about the presentation with the research text in mass media was 116.

On August 22, 2022, to the Independence Day of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation became a co-organiser of the 5th International Veteran and Volunteer Forum “Where we are, there is Ukraine. Defenders. Call-over” with the participation of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Nataliya Kalmykova, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation, took part in one of the Forum’s panels on issues of veteran entrepreneurship. Also within the scope of the work of the Forum was presented a study of the image of a veteran in society, a motivational social video “We make the strong stronger”, and there was premiere of the song “Volya”, authored by national guard Oleg Bondar, who performed it in a duet with Oleg Skrypka.

The clip for the song “Volya” was distributed in the Ukrainian information space, where it reached more than 30,000 views and was in rotation on Ukrainian radio stations.

On August 17, 2022, the first meeting of the Foundation with veteran organisations was held to get acquainted and discuss further joint interactions of the Foundation with organisations to strengthen the veteran community. Representatives of about 30 organisations working with veterans took part in the mixed format (offline and online).

The second meeting on September 19 with organisations working with veterans was held to discuss the possibilities of social support for veterans and children of veterans. At the same time, there was a presentation of the competition program of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation “Varto+GO” and a workshop on writing an application for submission to the competition.

On December 6, 2022, on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a press briefing was held in the Kyiv subway at the Zoloti Vorota station. A social advertisement created from the drawings of the famous Ukrainian graphic artist Nikita Titov and a series of drawings by the students of the Kyiv Juniour Academy of Sciences in support of the defenders with the message “We support those who protect us” were presented, which was consistent with the main message of the information campaign “Whoever you are, we are there to support”.

The purpose of the event is to support those who, since February 24, joined the ranks of defenders and left civilian professions during the war.

The event was attended by: Deputy Minister of Veteran Affairs of Ukraine Ihor Yaremenko, First Deputy Executive Director Ruslana Velychko-Trifonyuk, director and active military serviceman Akhtem Seytablayev, director of the Kyiv Juniour Academy of Sciences Iryna Polishchuk.

On December 14, 2022, the Foundation held an offline meeting (with speakers connected online) with the Council of Veterans of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. Representatives of the veteran community from different regions of Ukraine took part in the meeting, summed up the results of the year and laid plans for cooperation for the next year.

Also, during September-November 2022, a number of online consultations were held with potential applicants within the framework of each competitive program, during which employees of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation provided advice on the general requirements and goals of the program, the application procedure, the specifics of filling out the project application and the project budget.

These consultations were aimed at:

  • providing the target audience with a step-by-step algorithm for participation in competitive programs and, subsequently, project implementation;
  • providing the target audience with basic knowledge of project and grant management (forming a project application, creating an estimate, etc.)

Accordingly, within the framework of competitive programs, the following was carried out:

  1. A total of 5 consultations were held by VARTO. The total number of potential applicants who attended consultations is more than 150.
  2. A total of 3 consultations were held under VARTO 2.0. The total number of potential applicants who attended consultations is more than 50.
  3.  VARTO+GO held a total of 3 consultations. The total number of potential applicants who attended consultations is more than 90.
  4. Also, 1 communication consultation was held separately for all winners of competition programs.
  5. 1 reporting consultation for applicants was held

There were also events abroad with the aim of informing about the activities of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs, establishing partnerships and finding funding to support veterans’ projects. In particular, delegations consisting of representatives of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation, as well as veterans and veterans’ families, had a business trip to the USA and Belgium (European Parliament) in 2022.

The cost of services for organising events in 2022 was 48,900 hryvnias. Travel expenses were paid with the support of NAKO, Mriya Aid (the amount of funds raised in the form of property is more than 18,000 US dollars)

On December 4, Kateryna Teslenko, an employee of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation, took part in the 26th annual Run For Tomorrow race. It was organised by the club of the international charitable organisation Rotary in the city of Weston, Florida.

At the location decorated with Ukrainian flags, Kateryna introduced everyone to the activities of the Foundation, talked about the projects of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation and the stories of the winners of the competition programs – veterans, public organisations that create projects for the veteran environment. Also, at the information stand, visitors could find out about the landing page, where information is collected about Ukrainian veterans who are developing their own business, and a platform for fundraising campaigns of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation is presented:

3) conducting sociological and other research, public opinion polls and focus groups, etc.;

August 2022 – At the initiative of the Foundation, in cooperation with the Sociological Group “Rating”, the Sixteenth nationwide survey was conducted. Ukraine during the war. The image of veterans in Ukrainian society (August 6-7, 2022).

In October 2022, the analytical study “Portrait of a Veteran” was presented in Ukrainian and English. On October 14, the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation presented a study of a portrait of a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war for the Day of Defenders. The study was conducted by the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine in July-August 2022, in cooperation with the sociological group “Rating” and Texty.org.ua.

The full text of the study can be found on the website in Ukrainian, in English.

4) development, production, placement and distribution of printed products, photo and video materials, television products, video and sound recordings, publications, informational and advertising materials related to the implementation of the Foundation’s tasks and functions;


In March 2022, at the expense of a private donation in the form of property, a chatbot was created to search for useful information 

The cost of creating the bot was 18,284 hryvnias (the equivalent of 500 dollars at the NBU exchange rate for March 2022) – in the form of property

Radio program “Victory Wave”

In April 2022, the information and educational radio program “Victory Wave” was launched on four radio stations of the Business Radio Group holding. The show aired 5 days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. from May 2 to September 15, 2022.

The daily audience averaged 4,000,000 people. These are listeners of Business Radio, Power FM, Chanson and DJ FM radio stations.

As part of the program, meetings with guests took place in the studio (veteran entrepreneurs, business school teachers, directors, and others), and a number of sections were also created.

Archive recordings of the programs are available at the link.

The amount of the donation in the form of property for the creation of the transfer is 1,200,000 hryvnias.

Information campaign “I am a veteran”

August 2022 – the information campaign “I am a veteran” was launched. In all regions of Ukraine, billboards and street lights with photos of young men and women who have been defending the country since 2014 and now have returned to war are posted. In total, photos with the message “Yes, I’m a veteran and I’m defending again” were placed on 253 advertising spaces.

The cost of printed products was 109,395 hryvnias, and placing posters on city lights and billboards was 190,550 hryvnias.

ArtFront project

In August 2022, the ArtFront music project was launched. The first song of the project called “Volya” was dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine, and its premiere took place on August 22, 2022 as part of the V veteran-volunteer forum “Where we are, there is Ukraine. Defenders. Call-over”. The author of the song is Oleg Bondar, a senior soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine, who performed the song as a duet with Oleg Skrypka, a musician, producer, and leader of the first Ukrainian rock band “Vopli Vidoplyasova”.

The amount of the donation in the form of property for the recording of the song and the creation of the video clip is 92,000 hryvnias.

Call Sign Ukraine

The Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation, in cooperation with the artist Nikita Titov, created the “Call Sign Ukraine” project. 18 images of military personnel who had various professions in civilian life, but went to defend Ukraine, were distributed in a flash mob format on social networks.

Under the hashtag #позивнийУкраїна, users wrote stories of veterans of professions corresponding to the image. Leaders of opinion joined the flash mob, including singer ONUKA, chef Evgeny Klopotenko, choreographer Olena Gvozdyova, artist Nikita Titov himself, as well as official pages of Ukrainian higher education institutions, including Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. User reach of over 3 million users.

In August, the images were broadcast on digital screens in Kyiv. Dedicated to Independence Day and showed the people who are currently defending this independence.

In Kyiv, the images were distributed on 22 screens in different districts of the city.

In honour of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, an information campaign was launched in the Kyiv metro. The information planes (metro boards) depict people of various professions who came to the defence of Ukraine “No matter who you are in civilian life, we are here to support you.”

The basis of the information campaign are the drawings of the famous graphic artist Nikita Titov, created by him in cooperation with the Foundation for the project #ПозивнийУкраина about people of various civilian professions who went to fight. This campaign demonstrated how diverse the composition of the Ukrainian army is. That in the Armed Forces there are people not only of military professions, but also those who left civilian life, their work and went to defend Ukraine.

Purpose: to remind civilians about the contribution of veterans (current and future) to the defence of Ukraine.

Metro Boards were placed at Zoloti Vorota, Kontraktova, Vydubychi, Teatralna, Obolon, Poznyaki, Palace of Sports, Olimpiyska, Demiivska and Pochayna stations during the month of December 2022.

The cost of producing and placing informational products in the metro was 896,972.00 hryvnias.

Communication support

Information support was carried out, as a result of which more than 7,000 mentions of the Budgetary Institution Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine were received: publications in the mass media, TV and radio broadcasts, publications in social networks of the official pages of the General Staff, Ground Forces of Ukraine, National Guard, Territory Defence of Ukraine, military civil administration, veteran community publics, support of projects by opinion leaders in their social networks (over 7 million reach). Publications on the official pages of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation on Facebook and Twitter reach more than 28.2 million hits.

Since the beginning of the creation of pages in social networks, the indicators have reached the Facebook page, as of the end of December it was more than 11.5 thousand followers, the Twitter page now has 14.5 thousand followers.

The Twitter page, among others, is signed by presenter Tetyana Danylenko, journalists Nastya Stanko, Bohdan Kutyepov, Denis Bigus, veteran blogger Valery Markus, defenders of “Azovstal” Bohdan Krotevych and Dmytro Kozatskyi. During the battles for Azovstal and while in captivity, the page of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation published posts about various fighters, who reposted them on their own pages. Later, our tweet was included in the Forbes 2022 results.

On Facebook, the posts of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation have numerous interactions with the pages of projects, organisations and opinion leaders with more than 10,000 followers. Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA Oksana Markarova, political scientist Yevhen Magda, veteran blogger Oleksandr Morozov, defender of “Azovstal” Kateryna “Ptashka” Polishchuk, military blogger Kharytin Starskyi, chaplain and head of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Andriy Zelinskyi, page Ukrainian Military Corner and others wrote about us. Posts of the Foundation were hosted or reposted by such official pages as the Ground Forces of Ukraine (841 thousand subscribers), the National Guard of Ukraine (149 thousand subscribers), the Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (124 thousand), the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (927 thousand), as well as separately pages of brigades and operational command.

The most popular posts of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation for 2022:

About Kateryna Polishchuk with the call sign “Ptashka” (the Bird) during her stay in captivity.

About a military surgeon who nobly saved a dog.

About the soldier who saved a girl

And many other posts on the official page of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation on Facebook 

Also, Telegram channels, including “Lachen writes”, “Military”, Goncharenko and others, wrote about the Foundation’s activities.

The cost of services for advertising campaigns in social networks (targeted advertising) in 2022 was 89,900 hryvnias.

Information posters

During the year, 24,000 posters were printed and distributed. The cost of printing A3 posters was 48,000 hryvnias in total.

These are informational posters about the possibility of receiving compensation under the program of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation and about the possibility of receiving crisis support on the Crisis Assistance Hotline from the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation.

Posters were also created based on images from the “Call Sign Ukraine” project – “I never thought I would wear this uniform, but this is my land.” Ukrainians should remember and appreciate the contribution of defenders to the country. Therefore, it is already necessary to prepare society for the return of veterans and the formation of their positive image. Accordingly, two types of posters were created and distributed in different regions of the country, as well as among different organisations.

Video clip about business microfinancing

A video was created with an appeal to receive support in the form of microfinancing of veteran businesses. The production cost was 98,000 hryvnias. The video was posted on the platforms of the Ukrainian Veterans’ Foundation and the official channels of the ACA in different regions of Ukraine.

Also, the video is placed in the rotation of Espresso and Channel 24 TV channels for one month.

Ветеранський фонд

Банківські реквізити:

Український ветеранський фонд
ЄДРПОУ 44565396
МФО 820172
в Державна казначейська служба України м. Київ

Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/ company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA863052990000025300015000517
Назва банку/ Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/ Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/ Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 001-1-000080
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASUS33
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 890-0085-754
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank IRVT US 3N
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Реквізити підприємства/ Company details Назва підприємства/company Name УВФ IBAN Code UA453052990000025302035000647
Назва банку/Name of the bank JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
SWIFT code банку/ Bank SWIFT Code PBANUA2X
Адреса підприємства/Company address UA 01001 м Київ пров Музейний б.12
Банки кореспонденти/Correspondent banks Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/ Account in the correspondent bank 400886700401
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Рахунок у банку-кореспонденті/Account in the correspondent bank 6231605145
SWIFT Code банку-кореспондента/SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASDEFX
Банк-кореспондент/Correspondent bank J.P.MORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY